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Wild Duck Creek Estate

Adroit Insurance & Risk

Metro trains connects people and communities


Metro Trains operate Melbourne’s metropolitan passenger rail service, transporting  half a million passengers each day and employing more than 3,500 staff. To help boost morale, the company wished to raise the profile of different parts of its workforce, particularly those in demanding public facing roles. 

Metro Trains
Raising driver profiles


The company required a series of portraits of drivers and enforcement staff depicting them as confident, friendly, and approachable. Images would become posters for display in common-room areas and other high visibility spaces around the workplace.


Initially intended to be used for internal purposes only, the posters featuring images of staff in their working environment were also rolled out in high-traffic train stations. The public facing posters, seen in train stations across the network, helped establish a connection between the commuting public and the people responsible for transporting them.

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